Master Bill (MAWB) Requirements for recoveries from air or linehaul carriers: The below status codes are the minimum required entries on the Master Air Waybill level. The applicable status codes must be updated no later than the due date on the MAWB and within 4 hours of the service provided.

o Recovery at Terminal Set Up (SURCVR): Shipment has arrived but will not be recovered until later that day or the following day. Enter the expected recovery date and time.

o Recovered (RECOVD): Shipment was recovered without incident or shortage.

o Carrier Late Arrival (L8ARVL): Shipment is still in transit on or after the MAWB due date.

o No Show / Attempted Recovery (NOSHOW): Shipment shows on hand ready for recovery (DEST) but is unable to be located by the outside carrier when attempting recovery.

o Over/Short/Damaged (OSDASC): Follow OSD procedures outlined under HAWB requirements

Pickup and House Waybill (HAWB) Requirements: Each delivery HAWB will be required to have a Recovered (RECOVD), Out for delivery (OFD), and Proof of delivery (POD) status to be considered compliant. Home deliveries and pharmaceuticals will additionally be required to have Called to Schedule (CALL) and Appointment Delivery (APPTDE) statuses to be considered compliant. Each pickup will be required to have a Pickup Complete (PUCOMP) status to be considered compliant. Each drop HAWB will be required to have a Dropped (DROPED) status. The benchmarks for each status are:

 Recovered (RECOVD): Must be entered on the same date as the MAWB due date (excludes local shipments). L8ARVL / NOSHOW / SURCVR / OSD may be entered in place of RECOVD status if applicable.

o Entering these statuses on the MAWB will also update all attached HAWBs

 Called to Schedule (CALL): Indicates that a call has been placed to the shipper or consignee. For any shipment requiring an appointment (including all home deliveries and pharmaceuticals) a call is required to the shipper within 24 hours of the pickup being assigned or the consignee within 24 hours of recovery.

 No Contact with Consignee (NOCONT): Indicates that cartage carrier has called previously and is still waiting to hear back from the shipper or consignee to schedule pickup or delivery.

o After the initial call, a CALL or NOCONT status is required to be entered every 48 hours until an appointment is confirmed. If another call is made, use the CALL status. If no further call was made, use the NOCONT status.

o If the shipper or consignee is reached and an appointment confirmed on the first call, no CALL status is required, only an APPTPU or APPTDE status.

 Appointment Delivery / Pickup (APPTDE / APPTPU): Once an appointment has been scheduled MyAIT must be updated with an APPTDE or APPTPU status. The date and time should be updated with the actual appointment information.

 Out for Delivery (OFD): Must be entered on the same date as the POD date and prior to the POD being entered.

 Hold for Consignee Pickup (HFPU): in the event instructions are to hold cargo for customer pick up, this will be used in place of OFD

 Proof of Delivery (POD): Must be entered on the same date as the due date of the HAWB and within one hour of actual delivery time for cartage deliveries. Must be entered within 24 hours of actual delivery time for home deliveries.

 Pickup Complete (PUCOMP): enter this status to indicate that a scheduled pick up has been completed. This status must be entered within one hour of actual pick up performed.

 Transfer (TRANSF): If the shipment is delivering to a point that the cartage carrier does not service or requires services the cartage carrier cannot perform and the shipment must be transferred to another cartage carrier, this code is entered along with the name of the transfer cartage carrier. Enter the transfer cartage carrier’s pro number in the notes. Transfers must only be made to AIT approved carriers. Click on “Standard”, then on “Transfer Delivery”, then click on the dropdown in MyAIT and all approved carriers will be displayed. In the event a shipment must be transferred to a non-approved carrier in order to make service the cartage carrier must immediately contact the controlling AIT station.

MyAIT for Partners – Status Update Requirements

MyAITP Status Update Requirements v02092018

 Dropped (DROPED): Must be entered within 24 hours of dropping an order to an outside carrier and with the date and time the order was dropped.

 Agent Miscellaneous Note (ASCNOT): This status is to be used when the cartage carrier has information about the order to document that does not fit into the above categories and should only be used if there is not a more appropriate status update option available. This will create a note with this information without sending an alert.

o As an example, if a consignee is being rude or was unhappy while accepting delivery, this status can be used to make note of this in case a customer asks for information on the delivery after the fact

Exception Statuses: If at any time a cartage carrier experiences a problem with the shipment (i.e. incorrect telephone number, unable to reach consignee) cartage carrier can update the HAWB with the following status codes and the information will be communicated directly to AIT to address the issue. If immediate assistance is required, please call the AIT owning station for direction

 Beyond Pickup / Delivery (BEYDEL): This status code is to be used when a shipment is outside of cartage carrier’s standard service area/mileage per tariff. Cartage carrier must get approval from AIT before pickup or delivery is completed or a call is made to the shipper or consignee. This must be entered within 24 hours of the pickup being assigned or within 24 hours of recovery.

o When entering BEYDEL, provide the quoted rate to complete all services in the notes or specify that you will not be able to complete the service required and require the order to be transferred

o If a rate for a beyond is not approved by AIT prior to the service being performed then you will be paid at your highest zone or mileage rate per tariff.

 Attempted Pickup / Delivery (ATTPU / ATTDEL): Must be entered as a status update no later than the day after the attempt and prior to the POD or PUCOMP in order to be paid for the attempt.

 Over / Short / Damaged (OSDASC): Must be entered as soon as an overage, shortage, or damage is discovered, no later than 24 hours after recovery. Refer to section 1.5 of the AIT Cartage Manual for full OSD handling procedures

 Refused (REFUSD): may be entered in place of POD for shipments that are refused at delivery

o Do not enter a POD for a refused or cancelled order. AIT will provide disposition and close out the order.

 Bad Contact Information (BADINF): This status code is to be used for wrong or disconnected telephone numbers, when a voicemail cannot be left, or when there is an incorrect address listed

 Other Problem (PROB): This should be used to communicate any other problems not specified above. Before entering a PROB status code, ensure there is not a more accurate option listed above. When entering a PROB status notes must be entered explaining the nature of the problem.

o As an example, if an order does not state 2 man delivery in the requirements but the cartage carrier believes a 2nd man will be required, a PROB status can be entered noting this and requesting authorization

Cartage carriers must meet a bench mark of 98% for on-time MyAIT status entry in order to be compliant