When confirming that you have a pickup completed and updating a Pickup Complete (PUCOMP) status, you must always verify that all services on that pickup are completed and it is ready for billing. If you still have additional services pending completion (packing, pictures, etc) or are waiting on routing or other disposition from AIT, then the Pickup Complete status still needs to be entered to indicate that you have received in the freight, but the pickup should not be updated as being ready to billing.
To indicate whether a pickup is ready for billing or not, there is a checkbox on the Pickup Complete screen that says "Ready to Bill". When this box is checked, the pickup will move immediately to the billing screen. When it is not checked, the Pickup Complete status will still be entered, but the pickup will stay on your open pickups screen so you can still easily keep track of additional services that need to be performed.
Previously, the Ready to Bill checkbox was automatically checked by default when entering a Pickup Complete status. This has now been changed to be unchecked by default instead. This change was done to reduce the number of errors where pickup charges are being finalized prior to all services being completed and ensure better visibility of active outbound orders.
Below are instructions and screenshots of the process. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to ASC@aitworldwide.com
If a pickup is completed and all required services for the freight are performed, you can update it as both Pickup Complete and Ready to Bill at the same time by clicking the checkbox circled below on the Pickup Complete screen. This will move the pickup directly to your billing screen.
If you still have additional services to perform, then leaving it unchecked will mark the pickup as complete while leaving it open on your pickups screen. Once all services are completed and you are ready to finalize your charges, you can select the "Pickup Ready to Bill" option to move a completed pickup over to your billing screen. This option is available in several places:
- While viewing the pickup details, you can click the "PICKUP READY TO BILL" option at the top. This is circled in red on the first screenshot below
- While viewing the open pickups screen, you can go to the options menu on the right and select "Pickup Ready to Bill" from the drop down menu. This is circled in red on the second screenshot below
- If you have multiple pickups that are ready for billing, from the open pickups screen you can click the checkbox next to each order then click the "PICKUP READY TO BILL" button at the top of the list to update them all at once. This is circled in blue on the second screenshot below.