When you are picking up multiple shipments at the same time, sometimes the shipper will not have one or more of the orders available when the driver arrives. In these cases, you now have the capability to remove these orders from the pickup and alert the AIT owning station all in one quick step.
When confirming that you have a pickup completed and updating a Pickup Complete (PUCOMP) status, you will see a list of house bills (HAWBs / HBLs) attached to that pickup with a checkbox to the left of each order. Each box is checked by default when the window opens. For any orders not received, just uncheck the box next to that order then submit the update as normal.
This will remove the unchecked orders from the pickup and automatically alert the AIT owning station that these orders were not received. All the checked orders along with the pickup itself will be updated with the Pickup Complete (PUCOMP) status as normal.